Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Different types of headaches

   I know I've talked about a few different types of headaches in the past but I wanted to put together a list and brief description of different types of headaches that I've come across (through the web and in books). 

  • Acute/Cough/Cold Headaches= are from respiratory or sinus colds, exertion from coughing or blowing your nose.  

  • Caffeine Headaches= come from caffeine withdraw or from drinking too much caffeine.

  • Chronic Headaches= are categorized as a constant continuous headache that usually recur daily.  

  • Chronic Progressive Headaches= are described as inflammatory headaches that get worse and happen more often over time, (is also one of the least common types of headaches).

  • Cluster Headaches= are described as a severe pain located behind an eye or in the eye region without changing sides.  They can occur one to three times per day during the "cluster" period, which can last up to two weeks to three months.   

  • Exertion Headaches= come from too much physical activity.

  • Hangover/Dehydration Headaches= stem from not having enough fluids in your body.  You also can get headaches/ migraines from the chemicals in alcohol. 

  • Hormone/Menstrual/Pregnancy Headaches= come from changes in the hormone levels, (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause).

  • Hypertension Headaches= are due to high blood pressure, this happens when your blood pressure is elevated. 

  • Meningitis/Encephalitis Headaches= in meningitis, the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord become swollen or inflamed.  And in encephalitis, inflammation of the brain caused by viral infection, thus causing headaches.

  • Post Traumatic Headaches= are from an injury/injuries to the neck and or head (like a concussion). 

  • Rebound Headaches= come from changes in medications, or from caffeine. 

  • Sinus Headaches= are described as pain in the cheekbones, forehead, and bridge of the nose, worse when bending over.

  • Spinal Headaches= are headaches that develop after a spinal tap, about thirty percent of patients end up with one, the headaches are due to spinal leakage (worsening pain when sitting up).   

  • Tension Headaches= are one of the most common types of headaches, there are two types; Episodic and Chronic.  Episodic, occur less then fifteen days per month, the pain is mild to moderate. band-like effect, pain is in the front, top or sides of the head.  Begins gradually often occurs in midday and may last thirty minutes to several days.  Chronic, may vary in intensity throughout the day but almost always is present.  Also in the front, top, or sides of the head.  And they come and go over a prolonged period of time.  

  • Tumors/Organic Headaches= are an abnormality in the brain or skull  (Benigh or Malignant brain tumors, brain aneurysm, hematoma, brain abscess, brain infection, cerebral hemorrarige).  These are less than five percent of all headaches.  Symptoms that could be a red flag, a sudden sharp, intense or severe pain (especially if you never or only occasionally have headaches), sudden lack of balance or falling, confusion, inappropriate behavior, seizures, or difficulty speaking.  

Note that I am not a medical doctor, and if you have concerns about your headaches it's always best to get a professionals' opinion.