Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Quick update

   I wanted to give an update on my migraines because I've had a change.  I underwent oral surgery to remove my wisdom teeth along with 4 additional teeth (to make room for braces).  My migraines were of course, out of control after the surgery, but after about 7-9 days after things started to heal and all the stitches came out, I noticed my migraines and headaches had improved.  Now, a month later, I've noticed a huge improvement.  Even though my Botox wore off before my surgery, my daily headaches and migraines have been at a tolerable level (which is new to me).  I still have daily headaches, which now are at a 5 or 6 on the pain chart, which has been a pleasant surprise.  And I haven’t had a migraine since.  It also has helped my TMJ, which I know is a trigger for a migraine for me.  I am now in braces (invisalign), and I just received my Botox injections on the 6th.  I already feel the positive effects of Botox (for me it usually takes 2 weeks or more), so I’m hoping that maybe this time it will work even more, if not, I’m happy with where I am right now.  And who knows, maybe I won’t need any more Botox, (not crossing my fingers but hey).