Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Quick update

   I wanted to give an update on my migraines because I've had a change.  I underwent oral surgery to remove my wisdom teeth along with 4 additional teeth (to make room for braces).  My migraines were of course, out of control after the surgery, but after about 7-9 days after things started to heal and all the stitches came out, I noticed my migraines and headaches had improved.  Now, a month later, I've noticed a huge improvement.  Even though my Botox wore off before my surgery, my daily headaches and migraines have been at a tolerable level (which is new to me).  I still have daily headaches, which now are at a 5 or 6 on the pain chart, which has been a pleasant surprise.  And I haven’t had a migraine since.  It also has helped my TMJ, which I know is a trigger for a migraine for me.  I am now in braces (invisalign), and I just received my Botox injections on the 6th.  I already feel the positive effects of Botox (for me it usually takes 2 weeks or more), so I’m hoping that maybe this time it will work even more, if not, I’m happy with where I am right now.  And who knows, maybe I won’t need any more Botox, (not crossing my fingers but hey). 


Unknown said...


I'm so glad to hear your migraines are getting better! I hope that this Botox does the trick for you. I'm still struggling with my daily headaches which can be at 6-7 and my migraines are still as bad. Had a couple of emergency room trips and one overnight hospital stay. I'm looking forward to my botox injections the end of December. I'm so glad I met you and your mom that day in the clinic! Take care of yourself!

Pam Lommel

Unknown said...

Thank you, I am also glad we met. I REALLY hope you benefit from Botox! I wish nothing but the best for you and your migraines/headaches!

Addison pf said...

very man woman or child will be faced with the issue of migraine. While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, several of today most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognizing its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Since it was first compared to antidisestablishmentarianism much has been said concerning migraine by socialists, who form the last great hope for our civilization. Here begins my in depth analysis of the glorious subject of migraine.

Unknown said...

I'm intrigued...